Climb the five steps of a continuous delivery maturity model

The data analysis step is still a manual process for data scientists beforethe pipeline starts a new iteration of the experiment. In any ML project, after you define the business use case and establish thesuccess criteria, the process of delivering an ML model to production involvesthe following steps. These steps can be completed manually or can be completedby an automatic pipeline. Code coverage refers to how much of your code is covered by automated testing. The higher the percentage, the greater the level of DevOps maturity is indicated as it relates to a strong testing culture with heavy use of automation. One of the most popular DevOps maturity models involves five core phases.

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  1. NISI has recently released the Continuous Delivery 3.0 maturity model, or CD3M.
  2. The following figure is a schematic representation of an automated ML pipelinefor CT.
  3. Employees in high-performing DevOps teams were 2.2x more likely to recommend their organization as a great place to work.
  4. In this early stage, development and operations teams often work separately.
  5. DevOps maturity is how organizations can assess how far their implementation of a complete DevOps model has progressed.
  6. Mature DevOps teams have incorporated automation across builds, deployment, and testing.

However, from our experience you will have a better chance of a successful implementation if you jump start the journey with a dedicated project with a clear mandate and aggressive goals on e.g. reducing cycle time. It might seem strange to state that verifying expected business result is an expert practice but this is actually something that is very rarely done as a natural part of the development and release process today. Verifying expected business value of changes becomes more natural when the organization, culture and tooling has reached a certain maturity level and feedback of relevant business metrics is fast and accessible.

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Developers shift build and deployment activities off of personal workstations — the usual location for ad hoc chaos — and onto a central, managed system available to all developers and the IT operations team. At intermediate level, builds are typically triggered from the source control system on each commit, tying a specific commit to a specific build. Tagging and versioning of builds is automated and the deployment process is standardized over all environments. Built artifacts or release packages are built only once and are designed to be able to be deployed in any environment. The standardized deployment process will also include a base for automated database deploys (migrations) of the bulk of database changes, and scripted runtime configuration changes. A basic delivery pipeline is in place covering all the stages from source control to production.

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There are many ways to enter this new era and here we will describe a structured approach to attaining the best results. While agile methodologies often are described to best grow from inside the organization we have found that this approach also has limitations. Some parts of the organization are not mature enough to adapt and consequently inhibit development, creating organizational boundaries that can be very hard to break down. The best way to include the whole organization in the change is to establish a solid platform with some important prerequisites that will enable the organization to evolve in the right direction. This platform includes adopting specific tools, principles, methods and practices that we have organized into five key categories, Culture & Organization, Design & Architecture, Build & Deploy, Test & Versification and Information & Reporting.

Assuming that new implementations of the pipeline aren’t frequently deployedand you are managing only a few pipelines, you usually manually test thepipeline and its components. You also submit the tested source code for the pipeline tothe IT team to deploy to the target environment. This setup is suitable whenyou deploy new models based on new data, rather than based on new ML ideas. Mature DevOps teams have incorporated automation across builds, deployment, and testing. They have integrated tools wherever possible to improve insights and automation, and they practice infrastructure as code (IaC) to enable faster scaling and provisioning. Containers are a common runtime destination for CI/CD pipelines, and if they’re in use at this first stage of the continuous delivery maturity model, development teams have usually adopted Docker images defined by a Dockerfile.

It can also be used to benchmark the organization’s maturity level and track its progress over time. According to the DORA (DevOps Research and Assessment) program, a Google Cloud DevOps research team, a company can be at one of the fourth stages of DevOps. The tools listed aren’t necessarily the best available nor the most suitable for your specific needs.

The Codefresh platform is a complete software supply chain to build, test, deliver, and manage software with integrations so teams can pick best-of-breed tools to support that supply chain. Currently, the Maturity Modeler data is stored in the js/data/data_radar.js continuous delivery maturity model file, as an array of JavaScript object literals. It would be very easy to convert the project to use a data source, such as a static JSON or YAML file, or MongoDB database. After making any javascript changes, minify the project using Terser.

In an increasingly competitive SaaS world, data security issues and downtime present more business risks than ever. The end-to-end process of developing and releasing software is often long and cumbersome, it involves many people, departments and obstacles which can make the effort needed to implement Continuous Delivery seem overwhelming. These are questions that inevitably will come up when you start looking at implementing Continuous Delivery. Every successful and well-organized modern software project requires a combination of continuous integration (CI) and continues delivery (CD). Continuous delivery is a widespread software delivery practice used by IT companies to provide custom functions in a faster, safer, and more permanent way.

Your assessment will give you a good base when planning the implementation of Continuous Delivery and help you identify initial actions that will give you the best and quickest effect from your efforts. The model will indicate which practices are essential, which should be considered advanced or expert and what is required to move from one level to the next. Continuous Delivery 3.0 Maturity Model (CD3M) is a framework for assessing an organization’s maturity in implementing continuous delivery practices, created by the Netherlands National Institute for the Software Industry (NISI). It was created in light of recent trends and best practices in software development, such as cloud native and DevOps. DevOps is a set of practices that combines software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops) to shorten the development lifecycle.

Terser defaults to quick minification (which, for a project of this size, is probably fine) but you can be more aggressive/fancy by adjusting the TERSER_OPTS variable at the top of the script. After making any javascript or css changes, unify the project using RequireJS Optimizer. Currently, the CD Maturity Model data is stored in the js/data/data_radar.js file, as an array of JavaScript object literals. After making any javascript or css changes, optimize the project using RequireJS Optimizer. Optimizer combines related scripts together into build layers and minifies them via UglifyJS (the default).

One easy way to speed up feedback is by automating notifications so that teams are alerted to incidents or bugs when they happen. See how Atlassian’s Site Reliability Engineers do incident management and practice ChatOps for conversation-driven development. To excel in ‘flow’ teams need to make work visible across all teams, limit work in progress, and reduce handoffs to start thinking as a system, not a silo. The following diagram shows the implementation of the ML pipeline using CI/CD,which has the characteristics of the automated ML pipelines setup plus theautomated CI/CD routines. An optional additional component for level 1 ML pipeline automation is afeature store.

At this stage in the model, the participants might be in a DevOps team, or simply developers and IT operations collaborating on a joint project. Tobias Palmborg, Believes that Continuous Delivery describes the vision that scrum, XP and the agile manifesto once set out to be. Continuous Delivery is not just about automating the release pipeline but how to get your whole change flow, from grain to bread ,in a state of the art shape.

At this level real time graphs and other reports will typically also include trends over time. NISI has recently released the Continuous Delivery 3.0 maturity model, or CD3M. The Maturity Model guides the improvements of Continuous Delivery pipelines and/or software development processes in software organizations.

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