Legal Talk: From Parrots to Rental Agreements

Yo, listen up, I got the scoop on legal stuff

From Lincoln Law to rental agreement bluff

Need a job? Ask for the application form for real

Parrot in India? Check if it’s legal appeal

Writers near me, need ’em for a case

Find legal writers near me, ace

CV long form, pronounce it right

Check CV long form pronounce, keep it tight

Note and warrant, purchase agreement, legit

Learn the purchase agreement hit

Fanduel legal in all states? Let’s see

Find out Fanduel legality, be free

UK law firms with offices in Spain, what’s up?

Need UK law firms with offices in Spain to disrupt

How much can you raise rent, legally?

Check out rent raising laws, proceed cleverly

Can you legally film someone in public, without dread?

Find out if you can film someone in public and let it spread

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